It was love at first sight when 14 year-old, junior-high Nancy spied Gerald, a mature high-school junior. As chance would have it, Gerald was compelled to be a school bus passenger only because his own transportation, a 1956 white Ford with flashy chrome tailpipes, was out of commission. His roving eye was drawn to the lovely Nancy, a vision in her starched crinolines, as she whispered and giggled with her friend, Evelina. The two girls made a pact that Nancy would be able to win Gerald's heart.
Nancy's parents considered her too young to date but that didn't stop Gerald from wooing his future bride. He spent many hours courting her from afar, as he routinely drove past her family's home in his recognizable automobile. The smitten couple shared precious moments attending church functions and an occasional Saturday night movie while complying with Nancy's 9:30 P.M. curfew.
Their young love remained chaste and they weathered the storms of adolescence until, at last, on June 21, 1963, Gerald and Nancy were wed. Nancy recalls that even on the night of their wedding rehersal, she still observed her 9:30 P.M. restriction.
In marriage, the couple's lives were enriched by the arrival of son, Dwayne, two years later and further fulfilled with the eventual adoption of daughter, Kim.
Today, Nancy is proud of the couple's 37 year marriage and 4 year courtship. She and Gerald want their children to experience the same longevity in their relationships and hope that their own example of true love may serve as inspiration.
Can't Help Falling In Love With You
Gerald & Nancy
Real-life high school sweethearts
Enter Dwayne and Kim...
Through the years... (and some bad outfits)
Now that we're on our own...
...we love each other more than ever.
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