Of course, my lamp from eBay has already had the pictures removed since the auction is over. I surfed and this is the closest to it that I could find.
Our lamp shade has three tiers where this one only has the two. The base of our lamp has a center section that is pink with gold and black splatters all over it. Then the wire-like area has little ball bearings randomly placed. Kinda solar-systemy.
The fabric patterns are just some samples of what I've found and like. The designs are the main part. Like I said, I'm wanting to work around the color pink since the bedspread will be pink chenille.
Those are the main pieces. My hutch dresser, upright dresser, the lamp and the curtains. Anything else I add will just be for fun. I found this fallout shelter book which I thought would be neat to put in a shadow box frame with some other neat stuff.
And the merry mushroom...
I'm making two shelf hankies to hand with the edges showing off the hutch shelf. I've used the computer to make a cross-stitch design of the mushrooms. I'm putting that on the hankies then will find some sort of vintage crotchet trim in orange or brown to trim them just for fun.
I know, I'm getting strange...